What are thoughts?
A process
accidental discoveries
it is the motion
the sound of your knowledge
its ongoing
but the real question is
what aren’t thoughts
I have a dad and he can be a little over the top. What I mean by that is he can either be really nice or over react. Sometimes I will get home from a long day at dance and I have to do home work and of course I don’t want to do it so I say to him do I have to do it now. And he either says fine you can do it later or he says no you are doing it now stop complaining so much. Sometimes I groan a little when he gets me up and he will either say come on its time to get up or stop winning its time to get up. But there are a lot of other times where he is just fine and we have a great day. And remember I am not trying to be mean but these are just some of the things that get on my nerves a little bit. And I am very grateful for having a mom and a dad.
Some people don’t have moms that’s not a bad thing. But since I have a mom I am going to talk about a few things. Sometimes my Mom says things like come and pick up this mess and then I say but its not my mess and then she says I don’t care who’s mess it is come and pick it up. Sometimes when I ask her if I can do something she will say no I will say why and then she will say because I said so. There are other times when she is feeling really generous and will let me do whatever I want like not having to take the dog out and doing my home work later rather then earlier ect. But there is a lot of things my dad does to so stayed tuned for that and just remember I am very grateful to have a mother and a father.
Quick turn on the lights!
Have you ever played hide and go seek in the dark. Well I have and one time,I was playing with two of my friends and we had no idea where my other friend was. In our version we were aloud to scare people so we took every chance we got. Me and my friend were looking everywhere but we could not find her at all. Then suddenly we here something I scream ”quick turn on the lights”! Then my other friend says no we are not aloud to do that so we look some more and some more then we here something running up behind us. Suddenly I scream that’s always my first instinct then I duck hoping I don’t get tagged then I see in front of me my other friend get tagged then suddenly I run and quickly turn on the lights.
We all have to go to school but do we all remember what we learn. Usually the latest school starts is 9:00 or 9:30 something around there but I am in middle school and my school starts at 8:35 and that’s to early. The reason I say that is because science has proved that our brains aren’t fully functional until 10:00 am. That means we should start school at 10:35 and not any earlier because you want us to remember everything we learn and understand it right so that means we have to wait until our brains are ready to actually learn and take in a subject. I can’t wait until I am in college and I can pick the time of my classes.
The news
My parents always watch the news. Whenever I get home from school its on and when I go to bed they are talking about what happened. Sometimes my mom says you can put anything you want on the TV but then she goes upstairs to watch more of the news. Honestly cant they just change the channel for once so I don’t have to hear about all of the drama on the News. They also need to talk about something else because sometimes they get frustrated over the news, they should start talking about their days more. Even after all of that news drama they are my parents and of course I love them no matter what happens on the news that day.
My space
I have four brothers but I hardly see two of them. But the other two can be a pain. The youngest brother is 14 and still older than me I don’t have a problem with him but I do when he comes into my rom without asking or taking my food ect. Sometimes I will come home all fine and then my brother comes home and starts annoying me when ever and where ever he can. So being his sister I go upstairs into MY ROOM but he still opens the door without asking and starts annoying me again. But sometimes if I lock my door that will keep him away. Plus sometimes I don’t know if he realizes that I need my space. So if my brother was reading this I would say stay out of MY ROOM.
Sometimes I forget
Have you ever just had a bad day. You get to school and then you realize you forgot your homework or a project ect. You walk into class your teacher asks you for it and you either say oh I forgot it in my locker can I go get it or you say I forgot it. If you say can I please go to my locker and get it and you know its not really in there you are just trying to make up a story. Usually the story comes out like this ” It was in my locker but I cant find it” or ”I cant find it maybe I left it at home on accident”. If that has ever happened to you this is probably what sort of happened. But in the end it is good to tell the truth but we all know its hard sometimes but I mean you could at least get half credit if you turn it in the next day.
I know why I have to take math but why do we have to be the ones the solve the problems. Math is important but you don’t really need to know half of the stuff you learn now for when you are older. You only need the basics adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. It would also help if you knew like how to add subtract divide and multiply fractions. I personally think we should only have elementary school math and middle school math but no we have to go threw elementary middle high school and sometimes college math, but you do need college math because you need it for what ever your major is. So basically all you need is that. We should not t be put threw that torture. That’s what I personally think about math.
Feelings of a day
When you move threw out your day there are different emotions that come along with it. You wake up your happy and everything is going great until you realize something, you really don’t want to go to school today. Then you say to your mom/dad I am not feeling good can i stay home and most of the time they say ”no you cant miss school”. That means you go to school all grumpy you finally get threw first block then you have math the dreaded subject. Math is boring but your so excited to go to lunch and talk to your friends. You had a great lunch and a great third block but then history. You still have faith that it could be fun but in reality once you are there all you do is take notes and its really boring. By this point you feel like giving up just dropping out but then you here this ”ding” the bell rang! Your day is finally over and after all those ups and downs you are as happy as can be. 🙂